Edufinlandia extends support to students through application forums, facilitating the identification of suitable universities and study programs in alignment with their preferences. It is crucial to acknowledge that Edufinlandia does not assure success in entrance examinations, visa applications, or residence permit processes. Such determinations rest solely within the jurisdiction of immigration authorities. Our primary objective lies in collaborating with our affiliated universities and attracting students for pursuing education in Finland.
Through EduFinlandia, you may directly submit your application to a partner university. We shall assume full responsibility for your application, ensuring that your placement at the university is finalized. It is imperative that you provide all necessary documents punctually to facilitate the application process. Additionally, please include current contact information with your application. The student consents to the following stipulations:
The student acknowledges that there is no assurance of visa/residence permit issuance from the embassy and that all visa fees are non-refundable. Tuition fees will be reimbursed, excluding minimal administrative fees as outlined by the university in their offer prior to signing. Each university possesses its own refund policy.
EduFinlandia is not liable for any documents provided by students.
The student bears full responsibility for all documentation provided, including school certificates, university certificates, and bank statements.
The ultimate decision regarding applications submitted to any governmental or private department lies beyond the agent’s influence. The agent does not guarantee the success of any application.
EduFinlandia does not authenticate any documents submitted by students.
It is within the purview of the student to submit an application independently, without availing of our services, by accessing the university’s online portal. EduFinlandia stands prepared to offer guidance and support for such students as needed. A service fee, as outlined in the student agreement, will be levied for the assistance provided by our organization. It is incumbent upon us to apprise students of these charges before accepting their application. The service fees are variable and contingent on the quantity of applications the student opts to submit. Generally, a single application incurs a cost in the range of 1000 to 1500 EUR, encompassing solely the administrative expenditures associated with EduFinlandia. All tuition and ancillary expenses must be remitted separately.
Payment options for EduFinlandia include credit card, bank transfer, or PayPal. It is crucial to incorporate your identifiable information with the transaction to facilitate efficient tracking.
Our affiliate educational institution will handle the collection of tuition fees from prospective students. However, in certain instances, we may assume responsibility for this task. In such cases, you will be duly notified and our actions will always be in accordance with our partner universities’ agreements.
As a student, it is incumbent upon you to maintain your academic pursuits at the host institution. Our organization shall not be held accountable for any matters pertaining to your engagement with the university. It is imperative that you attend all classes and avoid any absences.
Should there be any postponements in commencing your education in a timely manner, it is essential to promptly notify us. We will then collaborate with the respective universities in an attempt to defer your enrollment. Termination of a study program shall only be executed upon receipt of written notification addressed to EduFinlandia. Such termination shall not incur any fees provided it is carried out prior to remitting payment to the university. For further information regarding cancellation and reimbursement policies, please consult the university’s guidelines on obtaining refunds for payments made.
EduFinlandia guarantees a placement solely within our partner universities in Finland, contingent on the student’s performance in the entrance examination. We expressly disclaim any responsibility for the student’s success or failure in said examination.
EduFinlandia does not assume any responsibility for visa or residence permit decisions, as these matters fall under the jurisdiction of Finnish immigration authorities, who will process your student residence permit application.
The onus is on the student to secure employment in Finland after completing their studies. Subsequently, you may proceed with applying for permanent residency; however, EduFinlandia holds no liability for your permanent residency status in Finland.
EduFinlandia’s role is to promote our partner universities within targeted countries, creating awareness about Finnish education and opportunities to study in Finland while marketing our partner institutions effectively.
Edufinlandia shall not be held liable for any circumstances or issues arising once a student departs their home country for the specified destination. Furthermore, Edufinlandia assumes no responsibility if the student chooses to travel to another European country. Our primary objective is to facilitate students’ academic pursuits in Finland.
It is imperative for each student embarking on an academic journey to a university in Finland to secure an appropriate insurance policy. Upon request by immigration officials, evidence of said health insurance policy must be furnished. Our expertise shall aid in selecting the most optimal and fitting policy for your individual needs.
Edufinlandia bears no responsibility for any documents submitted by students in any capacity.
– A letter of acceptance from a qualifying educational institution, with studies leading to a degree program is required.
As stated on the Finnish Immigration website:
Income Requirements for Students
A residence permit can be granted for the entire duration of your studies, provided that you can support yourself financially while in Finland. For your initial residence permit application for studies, work cannot be used to secure your income.
Include proof of financial support for the first year of studies with your application.
To receive a residence permit, you must have sufficient funds to cover living expenses in Finland for the entire duration of the permit. You must have at least 560 euros per month available for accommodation, food, and other necessities.
For studies lasting one year or longer, you must have 6,720 euros in your bank account when applying. For studies taking less than one year, you must have 560 euros per month available.
If you have received a grant or scholarship towards living expenses in Finland, include proof of the grant or scholarship with your application. The awarded amount will count towards meeting the income requirement. For example: If coming to Finland for one year of study, and awarded a 2,000 euro grant for living costs in Finland, you must provide a bank statement confirming 4,720 euros in your account (6,720 euros – 2,000 euros = 4,720 euros).
Work related to your degree (practical training or diploma work) has no restrictions on hours worked. Additionally, paid employment is allowed up to a maximum of 30 hours per week. The weekly working hours may exceed 30 at times if it still averages no more than 30 hours per week by year-end.
Tuition Fees
Higher education institutions or universities typically require payment of tuition fees.
If you pay tuition fees before arriving in Finland,
attach documentation of paid fees to your residence permit application. Also, ensure you have adequate funds for living expenses in Finland.
If you pay the tuition fees only after arriving in Finland,
submit documents with your residence permit application demonstrating sufficient funds to pay tuition fees and cover living expenses in Finland. Funds allocated for living expenses cannot be used for tuition fees
- You need to be at least 17 years old to proceed with applying for a partner university.
- The agent is able to advise the client about the immigration law at a particular point in time but is unable to predict future changes in the law.
- The client will not hold the agent responsible for delays caused by the clients failure to promptly provide information or documents.
- The agent will be under no obligation to submit the client’s application to the department or review body until payment has been made in full of all fees due and payable at that stage.
- The final decision on an application submitted to the department is beyond the agent’s control. The agent has not guaranteed the success of any application
- The agent will not be liable for any loss arising from changes of the law affecting the client’s application, which occurs after the application has been lodged.
- All information provided to the agent is, to the best of the client’s knowledge and belief, true and current, and that all documents supplied are genuine and authentic.
- The agent may ask the university to cancel his/her studies in case the student failed to pay the tuition fees on the due date or submitted fabricated documents.
- The agent has the right to change the payment terms
- The agent service doesn’t cover securing a job in Finland. The agent only provides information and connects the student to the job market
- The agent only assists students in finding accommodation but is not responsible for that.
- All the information provided to the agent is, to the best of the client’s knowledge and belief, true and current and that all documents supplied are genuine and authentic.
- The client will during the processing of the application, notify the agent of any material changes in the circumstances of the client or the client’s immediate family
- In case of getting accepted via Pathway studies to any of the University Of Applied Science, the acceptance will be conditional until the student meet the requirements to get accepted to the full time studies.
- If the agent has advised the client in writing that in the agent’s opinion, an application would be vexatious or grossly unfounded, the client will provide written acknowledgment of the receipt of the advice, if not withstanding the advice, the client still wants the agent to lodge the application.
- The client will immediately notify the agent if they are contacted by any department in relation to this or any other matter.
- Understand that if the offer is not gained by the agent nothing will be refunded from the agent fee, admin fee and all other amounts are nonrefundable.
- The student understands that they are liable for the visa fees for them and dependent applicants including bio metrics
- The applicant understands that if the offer is made- no refund is made from the office
- Understand that payment of all English courses and 1sth semester must be made when offer in order to process the application- unless the uni doesnt requires this
- Understand that there is no guarantee that the visa will be issued from the embassy and all visa fees are non-refundable. Tuition fees will be refunded minus some small admin fees from the university as well by explained in the university offer prior to signing.
- The client understand that SAT/ IELTS certificate may be requested by the university with the required band scored according to the required course.
- You have appointed us as your student agent and migration agent, therefore, you have agreed that we can submit the application on your behalf and all communications from any department can be directed to us and all your communications to the department should also be directed through us. If any department contacts you directly about any matter you agree to notify us of that contact. Even so you give us the permission of submitting your resident permit application on your behalf, you are still responsible for the information filled in the application as we have received this information from you and as we ask you to review the application before we or you submit the application. You should inform us if there is anything to be change in the application before we/you submit the application.
- Edufinlandia reserves the right to pursue legal remedies should you disseminate unfounded allegations concerning our organization.
- Edufinlandia shall not be held liable for any circumstances or issues arising once a student departs their home country for the specified destination. Furthermore, Edufinlandia assumes no responsibility if the student chooses to travel to another European country. Our primary objective is to facilitate students’ academic pursuits in Finland..
- EduFinlandia expressly disclaims any liability for documents submitted by students, including but not limited to, student certificates, passports, bank statements, or any other documentation provided. The student shall bear sole responsibility for the veracity and accuracy of the documents they furnish. Furthermore, the client shall be accountable for providing accurate documentation pertaining to school and university certificates and bank statements.